International Women's Day

Monday 9 March 2015

~ hello beautiful people!!  we hope the sun is shining on your gorgeous faces! we're so lucky vancouver's weather has been so spring-like as of late {we cannot wait for spring}. we apologize for being MIA on the blog lately, we've been working on some beautiful things to bring you all very soon! so stay tuned for some prettiness!!

~ March 8th is International Women's Day, a day that celebrates the strength and beauty of women everywhere. it is one of the only international celebrations that is not commercialized as it stands for the work that fearless women have put and continue to put forth in order for women's voices to be heard. we are firm believers in the abilities of women everywhere around the world and subscribe to the belief that together, we should hold hands and pull ourselves up to what we know women's worth is. we are staunch believers in equality amongst genders and races and feel strongly that this passion should be shared unequivocally amongst all women and men. campaigns such as HeforShe and Not There are continuing to bring more and more attention towards the necessity of gender equality and showing the world that women's voices matter. we are happy to live in a world where campaigns such as these continues to develop and garner more attention daily and are so proud to belong to a blogging community that strengthens female empowerment every day. we encourage you to spread the awareness and your speak to gender equality for every one ~


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