Citrus Love

Monday 30 March 2015

~ we're so happy it's spring in Vancouver. we realize how lucky we are living on the west coast and not having to deal with the cold winter weather the rest of Canada has had to deal with. thinking of how to ease off winter tension and entering spring relaxed, we're sharing simple de-stressers using citrus that you can all incorporate into your daily routines easily

~ we're big fans of anything that will help us feel less stressed and rejuvenated and as a bonus smells delicious. citrus scents have been known to have many benefits, the biggest: how it aids in reducing stress. many of us live chaotic lives, combining work, family and friends and still trying to make time for an episode of Scandal, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Game of Thrones {you get my drift}. different citrus scents provide different benefits: orange oil is contains a key soothing ingredient, linalool, that helps to relieve tension and stress. lemon oil has been known to perk you up and reduce anxiety. grapefruit aromas are commonly known to curb depression and enhance memory

~treat yourself by incorporating citrus aromas in these very simple DIY ways to de-stress and feel rejenvated courtesy of Sunkist

~ hydrate with lemon water: we're big fans of lemon water, whether it be as part of our morning cup of hot water with honey and a slice of lemon or simply by adding a squeeze into our daily water intake. flavoring a tall, cool glass of water with a few squeezes of a juicy lemon is very refreshing. take a quick moment and savor the taste and aroma by closing your eyes and breathing deeply in between sips. you'll instantly feel both calm and refreshed, ready to tackle the day

~ take a citrus scented bath: relax after a long day of being a #girlboss by treating yourself to the kind of bath your deserve. fill your tub with hot water and surround yourself with some beautifully scented candles. add a few slices of your favorite citrus, whether orange, lemon, lime or grapefruit and a few bubbles if you so desire. step in, settle yourself, close your eyes and take in the delicious aroma while the candles flicker and you relax

~ make yourself some citrus potpourri: on the stove top, simmer some leftover citrus peel, a teaspoon of cinnamon in hot water, allowing the scent to waft in the house for hours. even better and longer-lasting if you have a slow-cooker!

~ treat yourself to a grapefruit massage: mix a few drops of grapefruit essential oil into your favorite body moisturizer. massage all over, taking in the invigorating and calming scent while giving yourself a spa-worthy treatment

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